Monday, June 2, 2014

What's On Our Walls Link Up

Since I've been sort of lazy with updating the blog lately, I've decided to use a link up to get my butt in gear this summer.  We've officially settled into our summer lazy routine of hanging out, sleeping in and going to the pool!  Pictures of Ella--my fish--swimming soon!  But for today I thought it would be fun to share what's hanging on our walls.  I change our walls (paint and pictures) often so I thought documenting what they look like now would be fun!  I'm linking up with Momfessionals for her mothly link up, sadly this is my first and only link up...  :( So here goes...starting with the girls rooms first:

Ella's Room:


My sister in law is AMAZING when it's comes to artsy things and she has created a lot of the art work you will see on my girl's walls.  She made this to hang in Ella's bathroom...

And the photobomb by Mia.  :)  Ella's room theme is from Pottery Barn Kids-Daisy Garden, so I incorpoated a lot of flowers.  I bought these flower at Nebraska Furniture Mart a few years ago.

Ella asked me to take a picture of her ruler!  We measure how much the girls grow.  Ella wants me to measure her every single day...Also, take note of Mia's blue wall art.  She added her personal touch to the walls.  :)  Ella got the princess clock for Christams and wanted to hang it in her room.  It took me a minute to get over the fact that it doesn't go with our "theme".  I try to pick my battles.

The trend lately for kids rooms has been to add the name of the child or initial of the child somewhere in the room as a decoration.  Well, I like to follow trends, so my SIL so graciously painted these letters for me to match the Daisy Garden theme.  She created these from scratch just by looking at the pattern.  She is awesome! 

I found this picture at Home Goods for like $60--it's huge and matches the PBK Daisy Garden theme perfectly! 


Mia's Room:

A little disclaimer about Mia's room.  I wanted to pick a pattern or theme for Mia's room as I did for Ella.  I searched and searched on PBK and couldn't find anything that I loved.  So I did a random internet search and found the cutest (freaking expensive) baby boutique online.  They had the cutest light pink and taupe leopard print pattern that I just fell in love with.  I ordered a bumper, lamp shade, curtains, and bed skirt and it cost a million dollars it felt like! :)  So instead of ordering the wall art from them that was like $80 for one canvas, I begged my SIL to make them for me!

Mia's trendy letters...again courtesy of my awesome SIL!!  She did leopard--seriously--free handed leopard print....

Both of these picture were painted by my SIL.

 I love how they turned out and the girls love to show off their art work created by their Aunt Mimi!!

Here are some pictures from the rest of the house.

Stair steps for each of the girls at newborn, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months.  I displayed their 1 year pictures else where in the house.

They love to look at pictures of themselves as they walk up the stairs.  :)

So there you have it!  Not every wall in our house, but definitely some of my favorites!

Talk soon,