Monday, June 17, 2013

Vacation Part I- Las Vegas

I've decided to try something a little bit different on the blog.  I want to add a daily section dedicated to my workouts and maybe even a weekly workout schedule...or at least a goal of what I would like to accomplish workout wise in a given week.  It is my hope this will keep me more organized with my workouts (right now I just head out for a run or down to the basement and decide my workout on the go) and keep me accountable.  We shall see if this actually works out for me.  Since the name of my blog is Somewhere In Between, I feel that I could do a better job of incorporating multiple things on the blog...not just all pictures of my family! :)  Although, there will still be plenty of family pictures fo' sho'!  So here we go:

Today's Workout:
Week 3 of The Fitnessista's Summer Shape Up.  She has a wonderful blog, and if you signed up for the Summer Shape up she send meals and workouts weekly!  It's awesome.  Since I'm now in the market for organized workout targeting specific areas of my body I thought her Summer Shape up was a good place to start.  The workout basically consisted of two rounds of a circuit, a little speed cardio and abs to finish it off.  I must admit after taking a full 8 days off of working out I was feeling it today during this workout.  I even had to walk once during the cardio--WTF??--I despise walking in a workout that doesn't actually call for walking!  Boo on that one!  I'm hoping tomorrow I will start to get back into the groove of working out again...I ended up doing about 30 minutes of cardio which resulted in a bit over 3.1 miles...and I was huffing.  Amazing what a week will do!

This is what I'm thinking about for the rest of the week:
Tues.-Steady state cardio outside; maybe 4 miles
Wed.-25- 30 minutes of HIIT cardio and the same Week 3 circuit I completed today
Thurs.-Steady state cardio outside; maybe 4-5 miles
Fri.-We are heading to the lake for the weekend and I"m hoping to get a workout in at the hotel today.
Sat. and Sun.-Off because we're at the lake

Now onto the good stuff...Our vacation pictures.  I'm going to recap most of our vacation in pictures instead of writing are way more interesting than writing!  So here goes...
We flew into Las Vegas on Friday night and met Sean's sister's there (they drove in from LA) to celebrate Sean's youngest sister Haley's 21st birthday!  It was so fun, but boy was it hot!  I think it was well over a hundred both days we were there.

 Tasting coke from around the world at the coke store

My favorite coke product--it tasted like a Pina Colada!

We stayed at the New York New York Hotel and it was awesome!  Sean bid for it on Price line and we ended up getting a pretty good deal for the two nights we were there! We spent most of Saturday at the pool and then headed out for a classic Vegas buffet dinner at the MGM Grand Hotel.  Sean gambled...ALOT...and I had a couple of drinks and we hung out. Sean's parents and sisters were there so we had an abundance of babysitters, so we were able to take turns hanging out in the casino and in the room.  Overall the weekend was a blast and I'm glad we were able to celebrate with Haley.  On Sunday we ate lunch at this cute little Mexican place inside Caesar's Palace and then hit the road for Los Angeles.  It took us just over 4 hours to drive from Vegas to LA and the scenery wasn't that great...I must admit I was a little disappointed.  We were tired and relived when we finally arrived at Sean's sister's apartment.  The girls did great traveling in the car, though, Mia sleeping and Ella playing on the Ipad.  Boy that thing is a life saver!  Although, it didn't work on the plane very well because we had to put the Ipad in airplane mode which wouldn't allow us to access our cellular data, so we paid $8 for Wi-Fi through Southwest, and we couldn't get on any sites to load.  It was a terrible signal and took forever to connect to anything!  I was highly disappointed and so was Ella-- a total waste of $8!  That's basically the weekend in Vegas in a up our week long adventure in California at Disneyland and Sea World in San Diego!  Get ready it's exhausting!  

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