Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Early Morning Workouts SUCK!

Howdy ya'll!  Ok, I just cant swing the whole, "ya'll"'s totally not me, but I thought I'd give it a shot.  :)

The last two days I've been waking up at 5am to get my workout in.  With Sean having baseball every night until the wee hours of the evening, it's been extremely difficult to get a workout in after school.  My after school workouts usually consists of me getting off the treadmill 10 times to re-focus Mia on a different toy--I mean there are are only so many snacks I can give this child, and that usually only lasts about 10 minutes into my workout.  She doesn't want to snuggle with me at any other time, but if I'm on the treadmill she wants to be held! :)  Plus, Ella likes to ask questions when I'm doing the most difficult part of my work out.  It's like she knows I can barely breath, so she's going to ask me 15 questions!  Basically, I needed some peace during my workouts, so I'm trying this new strategy of waking up early. 

Yesterday, my workout was terrible.  I tried to do some interval training on the treadmill and my legs would not go...I could not get into a groove.  I forced myself to stay on for 30 minutes so it wouldn't be a complete waste of a workout.  I stuck with it again today...Instead of doing a treadmill workout I decided on a Jump Rope Circuit  that incorporates some squats and arms exercises, along with some push ups and crunches.  It was a much better choice for me today and after the workout I felt pretty good. Although I am dragging today at school.  It doesn't help that's it's been raining all day.  I think I'll need an afternoon nap--def. not gonna happen...I hear it takes 21 times to get used to working out at a different time of day, that only leaves me 19 more days--I totally got this...maybe. 

Talk soon,

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