Thursday, May 2, 2013

Free Tom's...

....well for me anyway.  But I'll get to my new shoes in a second.  But first let me catch up on our week so far...

I have been in such a great mood these last few days and I totally attribute it to this georgous weather we've been having in the midwest.  It has been in the 70's-80's since the weekend and we have gotten some serious outside play time in at our house. 

I spent the majority of my time making sure Mia didin't eat the side walk chalk!

Sean has had a crazy week with baseball (hopefully this will be the last crazy week for us), so it's just been me and my girls lately.  Yesterday, I took the girls to their first and last baseball game of daddy's.  Ella played great...had a blast--ate, played sidewalk chalk and bubbles.  Mia, on the other hand, was crazy!  She would not site still!  She wanted to "explore" everywhere and she's such a wobbly walker I was being a crazy paranoid mom chasing her around everywhere.  I watched a total of about one inning of the game while Mia snacked.  That's inning.  The sad part is Sean's team was playing the team from the high school where I teach so I knew a bunch of the players.  Today in class they all asked if I watched the game and I honestly didn't see one thing that happened!  I guess the days of me actually being able to watch Sean's games are over for a few years! 

 This food kept Mia entertained for a half inning.

 This is right before Mia almost took a head dive out of the stroller.  Luckily, Ella was pushing and I was walking next to her or else I wouldn't have caught her.  She was buckled (loosely), I swear!  That crazy kid!
Love her so much!

After about 45 minutes at the game, I decided that I had enough.  When we got home I gave the girls a quick bath and jammied them up.  My sister in law came over and stayed with the girls while I went to my last Building Better Mom's meeting of the year.  In case you don't know what BBM is, it's a small (like 30 moms) group of women from my church who all have babies or toddlers.  We meet about twice a month and eat and chat and it's a blast!  I love getting to hang out with similar minded moms and eat!  Last night we did things a little differently.  We had an exchange of sorts.  Everyone brought items from their house/closet that they didn't want anymore.  Some examples of itmes that were brought were accesories, scarves, clothes, home decor, shoes, etc...For every item you brought you got a ticket to shop for an item of someone else's.  It was genius!  I hit the jackpot and scored a pair of Tom's shoes...for free!  Just for brining a few scares and shirts that I didn't wear anymore.  Seriously, it was so awesome!  I want to host one of my own with all of my friends now!  I got a few other items as well that are all totally cute.  It's amazing what one person thinks is junk or doesn't want anymore becomes another person's treasure!  The Tom's happened to be too small for the girl who brought them and the size up was too big!  Score for me!

This post is long enough and that's all I got for right now.  I'll catch up on the rest of my week and weekend lata...

Talk soon,

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